Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Insights from Psalm 30:3

Just want to start out by saying, I'm an EXTREMIST. Whether we're talking sports, nutrtion, training or studying - there is rarely middle ground where I am concerned. If I'm going for it, I'm going for it. Tell me WHAT we're doing, WHY we're doing it, HOW we're doing it... And let's get the thing done!
Having this type of personality has its ups and downs. A good example would be a lack of balance I have experienced in my devotional life. For the past two years I have been helping with a Church plant in California. I have also been taking Basical Biblical and Theological courses. What an experience! The past two years have been unreal, but I have noticed I tend to get off on tangents and tackle things with a sometimes over agressive zeal.
During my first year of "Interns" I was encouraged and challenged to begin studying the Book of Romans as our class was going through The Doctrine of the Atonement. I didn't just read and study... I memorized half the book! Pretty, extreme, don't you think? For however many months this took me, ALL of my time was devoted to it. This passion was positive in a sense - but my morning devotions started to suffer!
Since my first year of Interns I have developped a little more moderation. If there is ever a time where I should lack something fresh to share on my blog, I will simply share a few insights from my morning time in the Word! A method I have developped for the sake of balance has been ingesting 1 Psalm and 1 Proverb every morning. Yep, that's it! Memorizing an entire Epistle or doing an exegetical breakdown of one of the Gospels was proving to be too much! Haha.
(Public service announcement: I READ THE NLT.) I am aware that it is written at a sixth grade reading level - that's why I enjoy it. It reads beautifully! Thought for thought translations as well as word for word translations are completely plenary-verbally inspired. It is both arrogant and ignorant to rip up someone who reads different translations of the Bible. As long as the entirety of the grace and truth of the Gospel message is preserved, we should keep our opinions to ourselves! Enough said.
Something that jumped out at me this morning:
"You brought me up from the grave, O Lord. You kept me from falling into the pit of death."
(Psalm 30:3 NLT)
What an incredible thought! You NEED to pray out this scripture today! I love that David is writing this YEARS before Christ came into the world. What an amazing picture of the work of Jesus - even before He walked on the earth!
"You brought me up from the grave."
Ephesians 2:1 tell us:
"Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins."
The New King James Version says it this way:
"And you He made alive, who were dead in tresspases and sins."
Indeed, from the very beginning we have been degenerate - physically, spirutally and morally.
Romans 5:12 (NLT) tells us:
"When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned." 
Following the sin of Adam, all men were dead in trespasses and sins. The moment we entered the world we were separated from God. Physically they were vital signs, but spiritually there was no heartbeat! One could say, we were yet "in the grave." (Ps 30:3)
But Praise be to God! Psalm 30:3 tells us He has brought us up from the grave! YES! We who were once dead He has made alive! We are no longer spiritually degenerate. We have experienced the benefit of regenration through the Atoning death of Jesus Christ! We are no longer lacking spiritual vital signs! Our hearts are beating, pumping and pulsating. The Holy Spirit is giving life to our mortal bodies! (Romans 8:11.)
"You kept me from falling into the pit of death."
Thank you, GOD! This is the GOSPEL message, people! David lived 1,000 years before Christ was even conceived. The person and work of Jesus are prophetically revealed in the Book of Psalms! Who but Christ, has brought you up from the grave? Who but Christ has made you alive? Who but Christ has kept you from falling into the pit death!? NO ONE! Salvation and Regeneration are found in no one else!
Pray some of this out!  
Lord Jesus, thank you for your atoning sacrifice. You have brought me up from the grave! You have made me come alive! Your grace saved me from the grave and your grace keeps me from spiritual death. Thank you for giving me life today. For you yourself said,
"I came that they might have life and life abundantly." (John 10:10)
Thank you, JESUS! You came to give me abundant life. I receive it today, I walk in it today! You came to give me grace, peace, righteousness and joy! I thank you today that your Spirit is giving life to my mortal body! God, you are good! Thank you for giving me life everlasting!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Back to Blogging!

Hey guys,

I want to be more intentional about writing. I used to do it a lot, but slowly got away from the habit. I have been thinking about how I can do this more consistently, I need an outlet! I have decided to start blogging again!

I was just reading through two posts from 2007, I would have been 13-14 when I wrote them. I'm only 20 but that makes me feel old, haha! I want to share something that jumped out this morning during my time in the Word and Prayer! I have recently been reading/praying out a Proverb and a Psalm every day.

"The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger. So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers."
(Proverbs 24:5, 6 NLT)

The scripture compares wise people and strong people. Many people today fall into the latter category of the strong; or at least, they try to! Personally, I enjoy trying to do things on my own. This is an attempt to be strong, an attempt to be considered strong by others. Sadly, this is the reality of many of our lives.

"The wise are mightier than the strong."

The wise are mightier than the strong because the strong are weak in and of themselves! They are selfish and self-sufficient. The wise, on the other hand are strong in their relationships: with God and with others! They are open and honest. They are aware of the reality of their depravity. In this life we cannot rely on our own strength, striving by ourselves. We are relational beings, we were created for and thrive in healthy relationships!

1. Relationship with God.

Our first priority as believers must be our relationship with God. He desires to meet with you daily! When's the last time you told him, (either in word or action?): "I'm too busy." What an insult to our Creator! We must seek Him more! We must pursue nothing less than intimacy with Him!

2. Relationships with others.

Like I said before, I tend to be a lone ranger, but we were not created to be lone rangers!
We were not created to do life alone!

"Confess your faults one to another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results."
(James 5:16 NLT)

James here gives us a picture of what our relationships should look like. Sadly, this is many times not the case. If we're honest, the majority of relationships today are merely surface level. We only take time to look at the tip of the iceberg.

Is there depth to your relationships or are they shallow? Do you attempt to cover your struggles, or are you transparent and honest? Our relationships with others are a direct reflection of our relationship with our God.

Are you constantly contentious? When was the last time you contended for His presence in the secret place? Are you needy? When was the last time you asked Him to be your everything?

"So don’t go to war without wise guidance;
victory depends on having many advisers"

I want to encourage and challenge you today. Don't go to war without wise guidance! Don't do life without, 1. A relationship with God and 2. Solid, healthy relationships with others. Wherever you're weak, wherever you struggle, reach out! Be open and honest, get prayer, and begin the healing process we all desperately need!

Love you!

Yes, I went to Africa

Hey everyone,

It has been 2 weeks since I returned from Uganda, what an experience it was! I want to thank each and every person that made my mission possible. No matter the amount you contributed, you must know it was an investment.

I want to share a bit of what took place in Africa with you!

I pray that your faith will be stirred, and that an overwhelming burden for prayer comes on your life!

I remember the first morning in Uganda - I could barely sleep the night before. As I made my way downstairs, I grabbed some coffee (yes, there was coffee where we stayed!) I sat down outside in a small courtyard area. As I opened my Bible I couldn't help but hear a loud, droning sound – The sound of Muslims praying to Allah before the sun was up. I got so stirred up in my Spirit! Most young born again believers seem to struggle with getting up 30 minutes early to read the LIVING WORD. And yet before dawn I sat there, listening to the lifeless, religious sounds of Islam emanating over the city.

After one day at the guesthouse in Kampala, we journeyed across Lake Victoria to Jana Island for 5 solid days of ministry. I remember when I first saw where we would be staying. Something like “are you kidding me?” went through my head. It was uncomfortable to say the least. Nevertheless I went to sleep that night still stirred from my experience a day prior. - If Muslims were up before dawn praying, you'd better believe I'm gonna be out of bed too!

The next morning I was up around 4am. Like the morning before, I heard a continuous sound outside. I grabbed my phone for light and started getting dressed immediately. As I rushed out the front door I looked out into the field that surrounded this building. I was in awe as I saw a number Ugandans crying out to God. Many of them had been up all night interceding for our team - I'm talking about some serious, passionate, prophetic warfare. How could I do anything else but get out there!? Day after day we joined together, asking God to move on an Island controlled by witchcraft, prostitution and poverty. I'll say this much – He MOVED.

I have never seen the power of God in such a tangible, genuine way. As I preached to fishermen unravelling their nets on the shores of Lake Victoria, one after the other would accept the reality of Jesus Christ. I remember one young man, Abdu – Upon his faith-response, he started walking through a village at my side, translating on my behalf. Women and children began to run out of their homes “What must I do to be saved!?” they would cry out.

My life and my faith will never be the same. These are a few of many encounters I had in Uganda.

1 Peter 4:7 (NLT)
  • “... be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.”
Who will begin to speak the promises of God over their church, their city, their nation? The Lord is raising up a generation that is earnest and disciplined in the secret place, and I say that such a generation will surely encounter the miraculous, the very presence of God.

California Dreams

Friends and Family,
Starting a blog since arriving in the States has certainly been a desire for me. I have been super busy though, and therefore have not had the opportunity until now. These notes will be an effective way of sharing about where I am, what I'm doing and where I'm going. I am so looking forward to communicating my vision and aspirations.

The fact that I am now hanging out in Ventura, California remains somewhat to completely surreal to me. In reflecting upon the last year of my life I am continually amazed at the active power of God's grace in and through my life. I am aware of the reality of life's struggles. I remember going back to things I left, things I swore I didn't want, even after returning to a life of faith. At some point though the reality of a tainted nature was illuminated. We all fight against sin's gravitational pull daily, but it's by grace through faith that we can partake of a new nature which pulls us to a higher standard.

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT, the rebellious “PK” who was confused for so long would turn around with a new desire for the Spirit of God. WHO COULD HAVE IMAGINED, the kid that despised his Father's call to ministry would one day be slapped with a passion and vision for someday having his own.

I certainly would have been the last one to predict where I went, along with where I am today. And yet, I am who I am because of where I've been, because of what I've been through. Amazing grace seems to come to mind... “I once was lost, but now I'm found, once was blind, but now I can see.” You'll have to excuse my constant reminiscing. It's just, so much change has taken place in so little time. I am now in hot pursuit of one day stepping into a pastoral role. I want to answer the call to ministry, I want to be a leader, an influence in the local church, and ultimately THE WORLD.

Why should I put boundaries on where I can go and on what I can do? God knows no bounds. How can I justify putting limitations in place while he remains limitless?

Thanks for taking time to read!
Much LOVE - Garret